Comment history with JokeInsideJoke
Displaying 1 - 20 of 26 comments
yeah, im off the hook. *smile*
ever done anything that awful????
my dad got a new one from work.
he'll never know i did anything... :)
being really ashamed of myself.
b/c my PC heens a diffrent printer than what we have, i typed my report on his PC and i was geting up to carry it downstairs to print it off when i triped over my dog, brused my hip and knee, hurt my dog, and had the PC fall down the stairs beep. and go black.
i never told him i did it. :/
oOoOoOoOoOoO i can see it now... it will be bigger than 'titanic'!
nothing much...unless you count 12 girld trying to beat me and my friend up for something i didnt even do...and the VP hates me and he is choosing their side over mine. i really hope i get to keep my face throught to the end of the day.... :-/
i don't really think theres much more to say so...How are you?